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Monday, August 22, 2016

Baby #1: 33 Week Bumpdate

How far along are you: 33 Weeks!
Total weight gain this week: same as last week
How big is baby: As big as celery, cauliflower blossom, or honeydew melon (19 in, 4.5lbs)
Maternity clothes: Yes
Sleep: This week I've been sleeping through the night without 'typical pregnancy symptoms' of being uncomfortable or needing to use the restroom per usual.  Baby Ricker has woken me up at least 3 nights though from his movements!  I just remember feeling movements, looking at my belly and then being out again - so not even a disturbance really :)  This is the second week Jade and I crashed after church on the couch and was out cold for a good two hours.  There is nothing more satisfying than a Sunday nap and we're soaking in the time we're still able to enjoy them before our little munchkin is here and on different sleeping schedules from us!
Best moment this week: My boss surprised me with an afternoon off, since they were going golfing as a team, so I got to spend my time with Jade!  I've been trying to clean up our photos (need more space for when my little model gets here!) and as I've done this I'm reminded how our lives are about to completely change with our little one making his arrival and how grateful I am for the time we had as just us, our adventures, and every learning experience we've had together - even if its learning how to be home owners and dealing with raccoons in our attic!  Those 4 short extra hours together were so cherished.
Miss anything:  Not being able to see past my belly button; not even lifting up/trying to squish my bump helps.  
Movement: He is really moving his body on the walls of the uterus!  He has been very active and rolling. Its still fun following the hard parts on my belly to guess what it is and follow the movement. Sometimes his movements are quite painful like he's trying to push on my skin to get more room - I feel my skin is not expanding enough to accommodate to his growth!)  Sunday he got me REALLY good with one of his moves.  I whimpered a little and grabbed my left side - it only lasted a second or two. I just can't figure out what he kicked/hit but it definitely shot some pain.
Food cravings: Nadda
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: BOY 
Labor signs: Pelvic pressure?  I'm not sure if this is a labor sign or not
Symptoms:  I experienced some pelvic pressure a couple times this last week.  I only noticed it for a short amount of time when I did have pressure - I should've taken a bath but sleep was more appealing :)
I would say this week's most uncomfortable/pain has been my stretch marks.  I've only earned these beauties on my bump so I'm not sure if its because he's basically scrapping the walls of my uterus when he moves, being dehydrated, or what!  I can't think of anything to compare the pain to though :/
On Sunday, I had my first hot flash freak out moment where it was just too hot in our apartment (76*) so I had to turn it down (74* was satisfying).  My feet felt on fire!
It is getting more difficult to breathe.  I tell myself its not, but I've caught myself out of breathe standing up from the ground (big sighs), deep couches, and even snuggling Jade.  I just need room and a big inhale/exhale every once in awhile!
TMI BEWARE: leaky boobs - I had been warned from different blogs I have read trying to prep myself for everything pregnancy/birth related so I'm glad its held out this long.
I have now also experienced the sneeze and pee situation.  Thankfully, I was home :) 
Belly button in/out: In but tightened and the tippy top is *starting* to poke a little
Wedding rings on/off: On
Happy or moody: Happy - except with Sears Auto I was not a happy nice pregnant lady - definitely had a great argument with them...(never ever ever ever ever EVER giving them another penny. ever. not in UT or NC - they're terrible even across the country) rant over :) 
Looking forward to: The bumps last flight on Wednesday! This means we are headed home and the garage sale-ing/thrift store finds/baby gear collecting can commence!
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